Is this lighting okay for clams?

butler in co

New Member
Aqualight Advanced Series HQI Metal Halide Fixture
I'm curious if this will be enough to keep clams and softies on one side of my tank? Call it a trial run, and if I decide going beyond fish is for me, I'll upgrade the lighting from this to a 2x250 MH T5 combo.
Just wanted to know what you all thought. I don't have a canopy, so I'm concerned about aesthetics, but more so with quality and growth. An LFS near me has Sundial T5 set ups for $340.
Give me some feedback please. I'm currently working with a 4x54 PC, the pretty vanilla one you can find anywhere for $115-125.


Active Member
Your post will be removed or the link so switch it to just have the name of the light or something as opposed to linking to a comp site.
10-28-2007, 12:09 AM
Shark Join Date: Jan 2002
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