Originally posted by AREIJIN
So I thought a DSB was better then a shallow one. True or not?
True if you like nitrate, phosphate, algae cleaning all the time, dirty tanks, and less than desirable growth conditions. DSB's grow a lot of bristleworms and pods. What people don't realize is that this means they have a dirty tank. Pods and bristleworms are growing because they're feeding off the overabundance of waste in sand bed. Think of it as a septic pool.
Originally posted by AREIJIN
I also heard that this was even more true with finer substrate. True or not?
If you are running a DSB a finer substrate is better. If you try to run too high water flow it goes everywhere(been there, done that)
Originally posted by AREIJIN
Note: I noticed that this is ony in the front and HALF way on the sides. In the other half and the back of the tank it is still white. My guess it is from where the LR is. I also don't have anything on the surface.
It's most likely to do with
2.Lighting hitting those areas
Originally posted by AREIJIN
Could this be only between the glass and the sand but not deeper in the sand?
The crap is everywhere. Algae grows because it has something to feed off of. See my above post where I recommended you slowly suck out all of your sand. You won't be dissappointed. Post up a full tank shot without cleaning anything.