Is this normal clown fish behavior?


New Member
I just got two clownfish tonight and after I turned them loose they bounced (banging their heads against side and wiggling a lot) around together in one corner of the tank for about 4.5 hours. Finally they started to swim out a little but one still wiggles extremely fast. Respiration seems ok, but the back end of him is just constant motion. The other one is sort of swimming vertical a lot. I think the second one is still really stressed but was just wondering if these guys normally wiggle that much and act that weird.
I also got a feather duster and couple of ricordea that is looking pretty cool. Have no idea if I've put them in the tank correctly. I acclimated everything as suggests but since these are my first corals, I just have no idea what I'm doing.


did they come as a mated pair ?
or did they come from a school of clowns in one tank ?
they might be mating up ,
the one that wiggles the most is being submissive and will become the male (smaller of the 2 )
watch them carefully make sure they are not fighting each other and i'm sure they will settle down on there on by morning


New Member
They came from in two separate bags so no, I don't assume they are a mated pair. They are also both close to the same size.
They haven't been fighting. What do I do if they start?


Active Member
Give them a couple days to adjust. Any fish needs a little time to get used to the massive change they are going through. Think about it this way. How would you feel if you moved from cali to ny in 2 days completely upending your life :)


New Member
If they are still appearing this upset tomorrow, do you think I should leave the lights off until they calm down or go ahead and let them come on like normal?


Active Member
Good question. I say keep the lights normal just minimize your intrusion in their space. Every time you walk by or stare in the tank it can scare them. They should be ok. Give them a couple days. Make sure you try feeding them tomorrow too. Thats key with any new fish in the first couple days.


Active Member

Originally posted by Numnums
was just wondering if these guys normally wiggle that much and act that weird.

They don't call 'em clowns for nothing! :D
I've had my pair for 6 mo. and they always wiggle and act weird, especially at night.


New Member
I was wondering if the name came from the goofy behavior :)
This morning they still seem to be about the same but are currently in separate corners of the tank wiggling like crazy. I think they see their reflection and are trying to swim with the "other" clown.
Pretty cute, I was just afraid they were too stressed out in the new tank. Hopefully not. They seem to be ok, just wiggling.
Do these guys swim with their bodies vertical on a regular basis? The only other fish I've seen doing that was stressed out and soon died so that concerned me last night but they're still doing that this morning too.


Not to mention that whole 'smaller one becoming the male' thing has got to cause a little wiggling here or there...
Sounds like they are fine though.


Active Member
if you do a liittle reading on clowns, in the conc. marine aquariest, it says that when you choose a clown at the lfs, it shoud be swimming with a "wagging motion" and they do alot of darting