Is this normal fish behavior?

lady becca

Copperbanded Butterfly....
This fish is constantly swimming along the back of the tank. Back and forth, non-stop. It has been doing this for what seems like hours.
Flame Hawkfish....
Tries to swim up the wall of the tank, then sinks down, rests for a few seconds then does it again.
Lawnmower Blenny....
Acts like it is fighting with its reflection.
Are my fish psychotic?:(


My flame hawkfish started doing the same thing just a few days ago. I even posted here because it was really strange for him--he's done nothing but skittle around on the rocks for the two months I've had him. I still don't know what is up exactly. He was even doing it last night after the lights were out.


Active Member
your fish are just being fish. Fish fight their reflections due to territory. The hawkfish might be exhibiting the same behavior as well as your copperband.


Hey my dog fights with his reflection and his brain is supposedly much larger than your blenny's!! :D
That all sounds normal to me, I wouldn't worry... an active fish is generally a healthy fish.