Is this Normal for a Purple Tang


i have had my purple tang for about 2 months now he is about 2 1/2 -3 iches long and he is a good eater but, he has never been very mean to any fish in the tank. He is the largest in there except maybe my diamond goby. Well, i added a six line wrasse today its not very large maybe 2 iches long if that, well the Tang does not like him at all... the wrasse was hiding in my tree leather coral and the tang was circling it and occasionally diving in to get em... finally he darted in after and the wrasse was lucky enough to get into a hole in the LR. Is this fairly normal for him to be so aggressive .. the wrasse doesnt resemble a tang at all ......Is the wrasse doomed or is this just setting up the dominance in the tank thing.


Active Member
Well most tangs can be very agressive (my yellow tang which is very similar to your purple tang was the bully of the tank untill I added some triggers). And whether it resembles the tang or not it still may be one of the tang's competitors for food. It may just be the dominance of the tank issue, I personally have never had a fish attack another fish until it was dead (it usually gave up after a little bit) except for taht jawfish I had.. my porcupine fish ate it!!
Give it a little time and see if the tang calms down.


Active Member
Sounds perfectly normal to me. Once the wrasse knows who's boss, the tang should back off and mind its own business.


Active Member
Its normal for any possibly agressive fish to act like that to any new addition. If you had introduced them the other way around then the wrasse would probly have picked on the tang some. Should ease up soon.