is this normal? regarding ich


Active Member
my naso has been in qt for about 4 or 5 days, i am useing coppersafe to cure, and the white ich growing between his eyes is getting huge.
how large does the white things get before they are released into the wat (as I was reading per beths thread)
am i close to the end of the cycle?:confused:


Staff member
Can you post a picture? Look at the pictures in the Diseased Fish thread and the fish there that have ich to see if that is what your fish have.


Active Member
I have looked at the pictures and it does look lke ich.
but in the spots where it appears as though the ich is dying, it is leaving holes in the naso.
the itch in the front of his face is coming out like horns and the coppersafe seems to be killing it.
there is only 1 batch of horns left and a bunch of empty holes.
The empty holes look a lot like lateral line disease. But these holes are only appearing after the ich horns are vanashing.
I wish I could take a pic, my camera does not zoon in enough:nope:


Staff member
So, you're treating with copper and the "ich" or whatever it is is going? What copper are you using? Are you treating in a QT?


Active Member
I am treating with copper within a qt tank and the white stuff is going away, but after it is gone, it is leaving gashes in the tang.
gashes that look like lateral line disease


Staff member
It could well be HLLE. Have you look at the picutures of fish with HLLE in the Diseased Fish thread [top of this forum]?


Active Member
yes, and while it does look similar to HLLE these marks only occur after the white stuff is gone. and the white stuff is an outgrowth that is being killed by coppersafe.
only you can tell me if there is a link btwn the white stuff and HLLE.
also, all the damage is only in the head area and there is non on the body
in addition, i know for a fact that he had 1 piece of ich on his fin. It was there a while and is is not there any longer (it was before I found this message board) and I thought he had just injured his fin.
also there were very light white dots running the top side of his body and they appear to have vanished.


Staff member
I wish you could post a picture up! The fish could very well be developing HLLE at the wound sites of the ich.
Do you have a grounding probe installed in your tank and sump? All systems with tangs should run a probe or 2.


Active Member
I think i am just going to treat it like HLLE and hope for the best.:nervous:
Here is everything in my main tank.
at the moment, all i have is a 75 gallon tank with a seaclone 100, 2 power heads and an aqua clear 500.
and in the tank i have 80lbs live sand and 50lbs live rock
Then as for fish:
3 clowns
1 psuedo chromis
1 coral beauty
1 naso tang ( in qt atm)
10 turbo snails
4 serpent stars
1 orange linkia star
20 hermit crabs
2 feather dusters
2 cleaner shrimp
2 peppermint shrimp
1 purple sea anemame
1 frog spawn
1 other type of unknown coral
and an electric flame scallop
the tank has been up and running for almost 4 months
my tank temp is always at 78 degrees
nitrates:40 (this is a recent number, it is usualy at 20, but with finals I have had no time to clean the tank)
please can you tell me what to do to save my little naso,
he is in a 10 galloin qt tank atm with a dose of coppersafe meds. I used the water from my main tank:nope: :needhelp:
p.s. I have no idea what a grounding probe is:nope: