I think i am just going to treat it like HLLE and hope for the best.:nervous:
Here is everything in my main tank.
at the moment, all i have is a 75 gallon tank with a seaclone 100, 2 power heads and an aqua clear 500.
and in the tank i have 80lbs live sand and 50lbs live rock
Then as for fish:
3 clowns
1 psuedo chromis
1 coral beauty
1 naso tang ( in qt atm)
10 turbo snails
4 serpent stars
1 orange linkia star
20 hermit crabs
2 feather dusters
2 cleaner shrimp
2 peppermint shrimp
1 purple sea anemame
1 frog spawn
1 other type of unknown coral
and an electric flame scallop
the tank has been up and running for almost 4 months
my tank temp is always at 78 degrees
nitrates:40 (this is a recent number, it is usualy at 20, but with finals I have had no time to clean the tank)
please can you tell me what to do to save my little naso,
he is in a 10 galloin qt tank atm with a dose of coppersafe meds. I used the water from my main tank:nope: :needhelp:
p.s. I have no idea what a grounding probe is:nope: