Is this normal?



I was looking in my tank last night and saw a web like thing on my rock, then today i saw it on the other side of the tank not near any rock. so as I looked closer I noticed what i believe is a vermetid snail growing on the shell of my Turbo snail. Has anyone else seen that? Also the last pic if of my Green Star polyp rock, its is closed but i noticed what i think is Spaghetti worms covering it, does the white spots look like the worm, because it has like 2 long worms coming out of each. can this hurt the coral?
The Turbo

It actually has 2 of them on it. ones on the bottom.

You can kina see the web in this one.

Spaghetti worms?


Active Member
The first 3 pics appear to be vermetids .... it's the first time I actually saw them on snail shells, but that's sure what it looks like to me.
The last pic I'm not really sure of .... hair worms?


Active Member
I have a few snails that have vermitids. I don't know what we are looking at in the last picture.


in between the purple polyps, there are white tubes. and thin worms come out of them. is that a spaghetti worm? or how that would attach to a rock of GSP? you can kind of see a clear worm in the pic towards the bottom of the pic.