Is this normal?


New Member
Very begining SW hobbyist. My 55 gallon tank has been up and running for about 6 weeks, and had gone through a complete cycle with both fish, LR and LS. About 2 weeks ago, added in 2 Camel Back Shrimp about 3" long each. (Have been told this is about as big as they get). Have both MH lights and Blue Lights (Over Time looking to add Anenome's). Tonight when I went to feed the fish, I noticed the shedded skin/shell of one of the Camel Back Shrimp, though both appear to be completely fine.
I would expect it to be normal for this to happen, but was wondering does this say anything about the health of the tank. The chemical levels have always been right on target. From my experience with Fresh Water and Koi Ponds, I know that if the environment is in great shape certain things will happen that you would not see in an unhealthy environment. Is this true in this case, or am I completely nuts.


nothing special just the shrimp molten it will happen form time to time , do read into it to much
i would stay away from the anemones if it were me or if u get one make sure it is just one i have 2 now for the last 2 years and they are 18" and 12" across and just take up too much room in my 200 gal


Active Member
I don't know, but my shrimp shead their shells about every month or two. Make sure that your iodine level is ok or they will not moult properly and die. I am not suggesting that you overdose on iodine, just make sure that it is replaced with water changes and maybe an supplement every now and then. I think that the calcium level needs to be within normal range to build a shell too, but I am just guessing on this one....I know mamals need calcium to build bone. I would think that animals with an exoskelaten would use it too. Lesley