is this ok to do????

fishy head

is it ok to take the two blue sponges out of my 24 gallon aqua pod and microwave them so the bactira will die????


Active Member
You don't want to kill the bacteria....if there's a lot of gunk then change it. I change mine every other week. I clean it once a week with water from my water change.


wth? you tryin to make sponge cakes? lol. no if its dirty then rinse it in saltwater. bacteria on the sponge is good for the tank as long as u keep it clean.


Active Member
No, don't nuke it - it'll likely melt, and you actually want most of that bacteria. Get a small bucket or a large bowl of tank water, take the sponge out and clean it good in the bucket of tank water. Put the sponge back and discard the old tank water, repeat every 1-2 weeks.

30-xtra high

Active Member
lol, i wish i coulda found this thread first, i woulda said go for it and tell me how it works, but anyways, i boil mine and they get really clean really fast

d0 thy d3w

boiling them just kills all of the benificial bacteria as well as the bad stuff....just do what the other peopel said an rinse it out in a bucket of salt water...