Is this ok


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Is it ok to have 2 clownfish in a 10 gallon tank? If so how could I help them thrive without having an anenome?


Active Member
yes this would be ok in a 1o gallon tank. and as the other member said you dont need a anenome to have clownfish but it is cool to have 1 and watch the clowns feed it and play in the anenome


Active Member
I would love to get an anenome but arnt they hard to keep? (never knew clownfish would feed the anenome .. pretty cool)


You have to have the right lighting for anenomes. They need very strong light. They are also very sensitive to water quality. I've had a clown for 2 years who uses a plastic log as an anenome. I wanted to take the log out but I think Clowny would be too upset.


Active Member
my maroon clown hosts what ever it wants. 1 day it will be my candycane next will be the clam another day will be my mushrooms. i guess they host what ever they feel comfortable


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Originally Posted by TriGa22
ohh.. why did you have a log in a saltwater tank lol

im pretty sure he said a plastic log


I put the log in for decoration before I knew what to do with a saltwater tank. Now I can't get it out. It's got quite a bit of coraline algae on it. I don't mind so much and the fish seem to like it. It's just not something you usually see in a saltwater tank. The plastic won't hurt anything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Yea.. Thats different. do you have a pic of the tank by any chance?

if your talking to me yes i have alot of pics of my tank in either reef tank or fish photo. i might even have a pic or 2 of the clown hosting the clam in there someplace


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Can you post them?

all of them? that will take a while, lol. i will try to post a few of the clown hosting if i can find them


Active Member
Wow the log kinda blends in and dosent look irregular.. I like your tank.
Dont post all of em lol post the good ones that u can find.
Thank you both


Active Member
Awsome..Its preety cool that he host a clam. I like your tang.. what all fish do you have in there