is this ok


Active Member
The wet/dry will be a pain. Whenever you are trying to match two flow rates there's bound to be trouble. If you could get the wet/dry to overflow or gravity feed into the sump you would be much better off. hth


The wet/dry is also designed to be a high valume filter. You can run a lot of water through them.


Active Member
Here may be an idea. If you want to keep the wet/dry you may could section off a part of the sump and build one in there...

tony detroit

Active Member
I would run the wet dry at an elevated level. Build and elbow overflow at the top of the wet dry going to the sump. Have your main return in your sump. Have your protein skimmer pick up filtered water, this will cut down on skimmer maintenance and make a more efficient system.


Active Member
This kind of contradicts what I said before but I think the skimmer should be supplied with "unfiltered" water. Running the water through the w/d and then to the skimmer allows the w/d to break down the proteins before the skimmer has a chance to pull it out. Obviously it takes several cycles through the w/d and the skimmer before it's completely remove so it may not make that much of a difference but the more gunk in the protein skimmer's collection cup the less nitrates in your system.