Is This okay


Active Member
Not really, because they need low to med flow, lower temps, and nothing that will sting or harasse them - reefs are not the best for horses.
They really are a species only fish.


New Member
I agree with T. Seahorses could have major issues with many species of corals commonly housed in Reef tanks.
There are some corals that can be housed with Seahorses, but it's more like a "corals housed with Seahorses" thing then "Seahorses in a Reef tank" thing.
Low-to-medium light, moderate-to-low flow, and non-stinging corals like polyps, xenia, gorgs, and small (button) 'shrooms can be OK.


Well-Known Member
+1 on all that. Better safe than sorry for these animals....they need a little more work than your average fish.