Is this overloading my tank??

OK, I think I am at or near my limit. I have a 55 gallon with ~40lbs of LR, deep sand bed w/ 20lbs LS, emperor 400 filter, and a prism skimmer. So far it is stocked with 2 clarkii clowns, 1 small hippo tang, and I just got a purple pseudocromis today. I think I must be getting close to being full, what do you guys think, anything else I should do? I do realize that the tang will probably get too large after some time and I am already thinking about an upgrade. But I thought I would get some opinions first.

mr . salty

Active Member
Right now your tank sounds OK.But there is no sense in adding more if your happy,and the fish are happy...Try adding some inverts.They not only give you more to look at,but actually help keep the tank clean...
Thanks Mr. Salty, I think that my fish are extremely happy right now. The tang and the clowns are practically the 3 amigos right now, always hanging around each, while the chromis is still in her hiding faze after being introduced today, she is coming around more every time I look in the tank. I figured this would probably be about it, although my tank looks a little on the empty side. What kind of inverts do you recommend, I was thinking shrimp but I have no idea what kind or how many to get, what do you think?


Definately a cleaner shrimp with the tang. You'll be glad you did. Stay away from zebra hermits, they're very aggressive. The scarlets and bluelegs have been great additions to my tank. Snails are a big help too.


Active Member
I'd keep the stock level as is and it will be a while before you have to upgrade. Whilr it may look a bit empty, the hippo will fill it out as time goes on. It's better to air on the side on conservative when it comes to stocking.

mr . salty

Active Member
Definatly a cleaner shrimp.Some blue leg hermits.Maybe a couple red hermits.You could also add a sally lightfoot crab(these are WAY COOL)Inverts like these do not add to your bio load,so they don't count in your stocking numbers...

here fishy

Absolutely, the cleaner shrimp and the sally lightfoot. Emerald crabs are cool and peppermint and camel shrimp are good cleaners. Buy those shrimp in groups of three or more and they will show themselves more readily.....
In my small tank I have the same amount of fish except I schooled my chromis in a group of three. Much more active that way.. erring on the side of caution in regards to numbers is the best advice you have recieved... Have fun :D