Is this right?


Active Member
I would wait a while on the mandarin, your tank needs a good supply of pods for food. Also you may want to shift the tang into the 90, a 30 is too small for it.


I'm not looking to put any "real" livestock in the tank until its fully matured and has a nice live rock setup with coralline. I will cycle with the damsels though. The tang will get shifted once the cycle is complete.


Looks like its going to be a good setup. Geez, I wish I had that money to spend on my tank. :yes:

nm reef

Active Member
Not only does it sound like a very workable plan...its a true pleasure to see somebody taking the time to consider options and prepare for developement of a reef. Great idea in my opinion. Keep us posted as it developes...I'm betting you'll soon have a very nice reef.


Thank you for all of your suggestions and comments so far! I hope that we can all benefit each other by becoming e-friends on this board.

Here are the details on my complete setup that I have written down and what I have pictured in my mind.
By the End of this week: Have Tank Plumbed, running with heated RO/DI salt water with powerheads running.
By the end of this month: Have proper lighting purchased and running, purchase 100+ lbs of uncured live rock, purchase live sand ((How much should i buy?)). Start Cycling the Tank with the uncured live rock
Once the Cycle is complete: Purchase in-sump skimmer, research various reactors ((Can anyone give me some quick insight on the reactors out there as a starter)) Start with some easy to keep corals ((Can anyone recommend some easy starter corals))
Thank you all in advance!
Thanks waterfaller1, NM Reef, toughguy80, rbmount, & stapler


Active Member
Your game-plan looks very well thought out. I especially like your plan of seperate breakers for the lights and filtration.
If I were in your situation though, I would reconsider putting the bio-balls in the sump. They might help the cycle out a little now, but will become detritus traps later on and eventually lead to elevated nitrate levels. 100 lbs. of uncured LR should be sufficient (and smelly) for cycling.
Keep up the good work, and be sure to post pics your progress. It's always great to see new reefs get built!


:scared: Finally the long awaited tank has arrived! It was overwelming at first but now I fully realize the potential of the tank. I"m so happy i spent the extra cash to get the matching pine stand and the reef ready tank. This tank however says megaflow tank. Is this a new version of the overflow AGA tank or a past version? I have two questions: How should i clean out the tank to get the dust out, just wet paper towel? Also should I fill it with tap water to check for leaks or just wait till I get the 90 gallons of RO/DI water? I dont want to screw anything up because i know how easy it is to do in this "business". Enjoy the pics!