Okay, first question-of-the-day: Does anyone know if this rock is okay for a reef tank? It has a chalky texture and it was in a FW tank for several years, it has been bleached and rinsed and dried, but I have no idea if it will put anything in my water that is bad for SW fauna.
Here's the aquascaping as of right now. What do you think?
And finally, does anyone know what these little things are? They appeared in my tank yesterday morning after I fed the tank frozen brine shrimp to start the cycle the night before. The tank has been up for about 4 days.
I really appreciate all you guys! This site rocks!
Here's the aquascaping as of right now. What do you think?
And finally, does anyone know what these little things are? They appeared in my tank yesterday morning after I fed the tank frozen brine shrimp to start the cycle the night before. The tank has been up for about 4 days.
I really appreciate all you guys! This site rocks!