is this silicone safe?

hey all, i am making a 55 gallon fuge and i just bought some silicone and pvc cement...i just want to be sure it's safe before i get started
the silicone i got is GE and bath silicone II this safe
i also got Oatey brand...LO-V.O.C. all purpose says its for pvc, abs, and cpvc...
are both of these safe for my fuge? if not what kind should i buy? thanks


Originally Posted by darkslayer414
hey all, i am making a 55 gallon fuge and i just bought some silicone and pvc cement...i just want to be sure it's safe before i get started
the silicone i got is GE and bath silicone II this safe
i also got Oatey brand...LO-V.O.C. all purpose says its for pvc, abs, and cpvc...
are both of these safe for my fuge? if not what kind should i buy? thanks
NO get the GE silicone 1. the 2 has some bad stuff in it. the 1 is the about the same as aquarium makers use. your cement for the PVC is fine , just let them both cure fully before putting the system into service.


Active Member
And the "Kitchen and Bath" name means it has a mildew inhibitor in it. Bad....
You want "Window & Door" Silicon I.