Is this snail dead?


I have this large snail (not sure what kind) but it has normally come out and cleaned glass, but now has been completley in it's shell for two days, and not moved. I picked him up and smelled him and there is no odor that he might be dead? how do you know if they are alive or not?


Active Member
if they don't move when the blue leg hermits are eating them, they're probably already dead.


Active Member
If it's a large snail and there was no odor when you smelled it, it may still be alive. Especially if there's still a body in the shell.


Yeah, these things smell bad when they die, so if it does not smell, I would be it is alive for now.


it's now day 3 and the thing still hasn't moved. I think it's still alive because it doesn't smell. Do theydo some sort of hybernating type behavior? I found out it is a turbo snail. I wonder is the crabs got him, and it's afraid too come out?


Maybe it's the time of year because my largest snail (been ID'd as a tequila turbo) has been dead still for days on end. I know he's still alive because if I move him he seems to "wake up" but he isn't grazing or even moving for that matter. Keep us posted, and I'll do the same. Maybe we got wierd snails. I'll post a link and you tell me if my snail is the same as yours...