Is this tank too old?


New Member
I'm thinking about buying a 135 Gal. tank that was purchased in 1989. I'm going to see the tank tomorrow and I would love your opinions on the age of this tank. Is there any way to restore the seals if they look questionable? I would hate for this tank to fail after putting livestock in it.


hi nancy yes you can reseal the tank!
the old silicone has to be scraped out with a razor blade this is not fun but ohh well,and then well let us know if you get it and we will go from there!!good luck


Active Member
I personally would not risk it. You could reseal it but you dont know how stressed the glass is. Quality tanks can last a very long time. What kind is it?


My 75gal Perfecto was built in 1991, Fingers crossed but no signs of any stress or leaks. What brand is the tank? If it was used for fresh water I doubt it was treated with copper, however it may have been treated with Malachite Green which would have stained the seals a green blue. Not exactly best for corals on that hand but for Fish Only no problem. Is the tank a deal is another qustion, for the cost of a new tank its worth resealing it 9x out of 10.


New Member
I don't know who made the tank. I am going to see it tonight. It housed fresh water fish until recently. I think the family is moving or else they're just tired of maintaining it.I would like to use it for a FOLR tank. They're asking 500.00 for it. If it's in decent shape and the stand is nice, I'm going to try to get him down to 300.00. I can understand about the seals wearing, but how in the world would I know if the glass was stressed?


If the glass is bowing out don't get it. Also you want thick glass as that size. Water weighs about 8 to 8.5 pounds a gallon.


Seems like a lot of money for an old tank, I bought a 125 gal off ---- for $150.00 w/stand.