Is this the time to panic?


I just noticed some red dots(4) on the under side of my shark. I have sand for subtrate. The lfs had this shark on crushed coral for 2days. So i know its there fault:mad: . Can i help my little shark? Is the best thing to do is to give him vitamins? What kind? PANICING!!!:nervous:


Active Member
Dont panic. Its just a little irritated. Ive noticed the same thing on mine from time to time. Just give them a multi and perhaps an iodine tab and give it a couple of days. Its like us when we get a bruise or blister. Examine your tank and be certain there is nothing that could irritate them. Other than that, Im sure it will be gone in a couple of days. They are especially venerable to it as juvi's because the are more skin-like than scaly.


ok. I'm guess i should go and buy shark formula right now,right? I feed it a piece of silver side(small piece)and he ate it. Im glad hes eating frozen food now:joy: