Is this too aggressive?


Here is the list of the 65 long i share with my roomate, is it too aggressive they are like always hungry, I'm overstocked i know but I'm desperately trying to get rid of two damsels, and the huma, but my roomate likes him too much
Dog Faced Puffer-3" Favorite
Lunar Wrasse-4" Crazy
Yellow Tang-4" Cool Fish
Snow Flake Eel-4" Quite
Huma Trigger-2"
:help: :mad:

Niger Trigger-2" Calm
Dominoe Damsel-2" Thug
4 Stripped Damsel- 1.5"

Koren Damsel-2.5"

2 Turbos-I think they are dying
1 Astrea
3 Scarlet Hermits
1 Orange Electric Hermit
Had 12 Blue Legged Hermits, but they kill each other and some probably got eaten, so I know I've seen about 6, one of them killed an Astrea, 1 is almost 2" killed a 1" Red Scarlet for its shell, I was upset, I have plenty of shells for them, all sizes
So What Do ya think?


Active Member
get ready to get flamed

best advice is to move HALF of your fish out of their because they are all going to be too big for that tank soon and keep a cool 65 G tank i think the triggers would need to be the first two to go, other than that il leave this to someone else


Oh man I forgot to mention, this is not their permanent homes, I'm only keeping the tang, eel, puffer, niger and dominoe, tryin to get rid of the huma/damsels as i mentioned and the wrasse will be going into a friends tank 100 gal. FOWLR, i guess since they're small now, we kept them in this tank, :thinking:


If I was you I would remove every fish except for the Hummu, and Damsels. And eventually the Hummu will need a 90GL or bigger tank. They are very slow in the growth department so you have some time on your hands. Even 100GL tank for all those guys is too small, I have one and it's not that big of a tank.


Every Fish, OMG, are you serious, so you mean that all of those fish are to big for my tank, they seem to be happy there, they eat very well, I've only had one problem with my tang and it fixed itself, no diseases, and the only deaths I had was a starvation and fish got eaten, that's it, my fish have nice color and are still very small,


Active Member
Out of your entire list of fish, the only fish that'll be suitable for that tank are the damsels. Everything else will outgrow it.
You're grossly overstocked...what type of filtration are you using?


Active Member
Jhov2324]Here is the list of the 65 long i share with my roomate, is it too aggressive they are like always hungry, I'm overstocked i know but I'm desperately trying to get rid of two damsels, and the huma, but my roomate likes him too much
Dog Faced Puffer-3" Favorite(gets too big messy eater will polute this tank very quicky needs 100gal min)(grows fast)
Lunar Wrasse-4" Crazy (highly agressive fish will attack just about anything including you)
Yellow Tang-4" Cool Fish(needs larger tank also ich magnet in stressful times and this tank tank is full of stress)
Snow Flake Eel-4" Quite(hes good but in danger from triggers)
Huma Trigger-2"
:help: :mad:
(have been known to clear out all tank mates)
Niger Trigger-2" Calm(not calm they are nippers and will attack slower moving fish )
Dominoe Damsel-2" Thug(bully fish will creat some stress most likely kill off your other damsels)
4 Stripped Damsel- 1.5"
( mixing of these damsels is a disaster waiting to happen)
Koren Damsel-2.5"
see above
2 Turbos-I think they are dying(check ph and cal)
1 Astrea
3 Scarlet Hermits(eventually become wrasse or trigger or puffer foods)
1 Orange Electric Hermit(same as above)
Had 12 Blue Legged Hermits, but they kill each other and some probably got eaten, so I know I've seen about 6, one of them killed an Astrea, 1 is almost 2" killed a 1" Red Scarlet for its shell, I was upset, I have plenty of shells for them, all sizes
So What Do ya think? i think you need to set up another large tank (125 min) if you want to keep all of these fish alive.


Active Member
Well I think everyone else pretty much covered it. Your tank is very overstocked. Aggressive fish need big tanks because they demand a lot of territory, are messy eaters, and get huge. The best fish for smaller tanks like a 65 is small reef fish.


So no one keeps any of these fish in these size tanks. I do know i'm overstocked which is why I'm getting rid of the damsels/huma/wrasse. So none of these fish will survive in my tank? I really doubt there is any home aquarium that can accomodate a fish, seeming they're natural habitat is an entire reef, so unless you have an entire reef in your home I really dont know how anyone can say what's big enough, i do understand that some fish get bigger than others and can survive in a suitably large tank, but is that fish really happy there, I dont think so, i'm sure no matter how big of a tank one has, as soon as that fish swims into the glass it's life is limited. These are just thoughts that I have about that.


Active Member
In your case, it's not a question about whether the fish are happy or not.
It's about fish, most of which will reach 8" - 10" long (and some of them bigger), and you keeping them in a 65gal. tank. It's just not gonna work.
As the fish get larger, so will their territories. That'll lead to fighting, disease, sickness and everntually death.
Even if you got rid of those Damsels and that Humu, it still wouldnt work.


No doubt, it's probably time for an upgrade in tank anyway, you speak of territories, as i observe my fish, which is everyday, I notice out of all the fish i have the only territorial fish is the Damsels. the huma sleeps in the corners of the tanks, the puffer on any rock he lands on, the tang behind a rock, the wrasse behind the powerhead, the eel is in a rock, the niger in a 2" hole in a rock, the damsels have their territory and it's behind the biggest rock i have, anyfish go there they get attacked, your right though I'll just have to upgrade, i'm actually happy cause then i'll have a bigger tank, i'm still a newb and am allowed to make mistakes,


Out of curiosity, how long will it take for a fish to grow, the only fish in my tank that has grown is the dominoe, he went from smaller than an inch to 2" already,


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2
In your case, it's not a question about whether the fish are happy or not.
It's about fish, most of which will reach 8" - 10" long (and some of them bigger), and you keeping them in a 65gal. tank. It's just not gonna work.
As the fish get larger, so will their territories. That'll lead to fighting, disease, sickness and everntually death.
Even if you got rid of those Damsels and that Humu, it still wouldnt work.
i have to agree with this 99% the other 1 % ok im being generous lol
with the staock you already have there is no room for territory at all for these fish.keeping water quality is going to be almost impossible with this bioload .making each one of these fish highly more sensitive to disease and paresite outbreaks.puffers dont do well in stressfull enviroments what so ever eels need almost perfect water conditions,
triggers are highly territorial and will kill things that get in their territory.i dont know about your lunear wrasse but mine never stops moving and hes in a 6 ft tank .I have or have had just about every fish on your list and know them very asked for oppinions on stocking your tank please dont feel as if we are all against you for asking,this is your tank its your choice what you keep but from our experiences this is a recipe for alot of heartache and wasted money on your part.IMO


I thank you and appreciate your advice, i'm new at this so i'm just learning from your experience, I don't think you guys are against me, but I do believe that while these fish are small they are doing ok where they r, i did say though that I'm getting rid of about 4 fish, my lunar doesn't stop moving either, i can't wait to send him into the other tank he keeps turning over my turbos and hermits, beautiful fish though,


I have a wet/dry filter w/bioballs, and a hang on heater filter. i think about 55 pounds of Live Rock, the only thing up in my water levels is Nitrates, everything else is perfect.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jhov2324
I have a wet/dry filter w/bioballs, and a hang on heater filter. i think about 55 pounds of Live Rock, the only thing up in my water levels is Nitrates, everything else is perfect.

The nitrates are because of the overstocking and the pressure on such a high bio-load.
Get those down by doing water changes...10%, twice a week, if need be.
No protein skimmer?