Is this TOO MUCH Brown Algae??


New Member
Hello all, brief history. 2 years ago was at movie theatre and they had a 200 gallon SWT in the lobby and was MESMORIZED. (almost missed movie). On my way out saw the maintenance guy and BOTHERED him for about an hour, asking everything about everything. wanted to get one ASAP, well didnt have the time he said it takes so put it off and have been following the site for about 1.5 years before I actually got a tank. currently I am cycling (9 days in). I know there is supposed to be some brown algae during cycling but kinda curious if what I have going is TOO MUCH. its covering all rocks and most of the sand. Here are my parameters, some pix, and equipment. I have SO many questions during the process as well. Been reading other posts and seems like mixed reactions from everyone. Please any help throughout this process would be greatly appreciated.
72 bow front
ADHI model 20 refugium (20 gal)
pump - Blueline 100 HD external (plus 2 maxi-jet 1200) plenty of water flow
ASM mini g Skimmer (runs 24/7)
phosban reactor runs 10:30PM - 10:30AM - mixed 1 cup of carbon & 1 cup of phosguard in same reactor (good or bad)
ph - 8.2
Ammonia - 0.25
Nitrate - 15
Nitrite - 0
Phospate - 0
Salinity - 1.023
temp. 77-79 deg.
light schedule (tentative)
t5 - 10:30am - 10:30pm
MH - 1PM - 6PM
LED - 10:30PM - 10:30AM
RO/DI water
75 lbs of Rock (bought off craigslist and was sitting in a bucket, assumed D.O.A. :)
60 lbs of Argonite Sand (40 lbs crushed coral, 20 lbs sand) MIXED IN A BUCKET and poured into aquarium
1. SHould I have lights on during cycling? Light setup is Current USA Outer Orbit 2x250w HQI-MH (NOT CHEAP)
2. Should I have the skimmer on? 1st 3 days filled bout half the cup hasn't done anything since.
3. Should I upgrade any equipment, got really good deals on craiglist over the past 6 months. been very patient just a few more months :)
4. Ammonia spike happened day 3, will I be expecting another one since it seemed kinda early.
5. Should I begin dosing ANYTHING at all. heard it was a waste and also heard it doesnt harm anything?
6. should i Add a CUC during cycling?
7. how much livestock for a 72 bowfront?
tentative 7 fish - BLue Hippo(2), Yellow Tang(1), Royal Gramma(1), Lawmower Blenny (1), Percula Clown (2)
looking at about a dozen corals as well and ofcourse a CUC
if this is under what other suggestions for fish would be suitable.
8. If I do water change for brown algae, how much?
9. I REALLY like the mandarin dragonets, I know I need copepods and i think they are called rotifers, but How much am I going to need to keep them happy if I get one
10. I think this is a dumb question - How often do you dose copepods or do they reproduce on their own. DO you have to keep adding them to sump.
11. like i said earlier i mixed 1 cup of seachem carbon & 1 cup of seachem phosguard in same reactor (good or bad). it runs from 1030pm to 1030am
In the pix of water test
1. ph
2. ammonia
3. nitrate
4. nitrite
5. phosphate
havent wasted any money yet that I can think of, so dont wanna do any unneccessary steps or procedures that could cost me in the long run.
going to stop now it seems like alot. Hope I got all relevant info. Please i need lots of post becuz I wanna do everything right for my FIRST SWT. Thanks ahead of time and Thanks.



New Member
To answer some of you questions:
1. 1. SHould I have lights on during cycling? Light setup is Current USA Outer Orbit 2x250w HQI-MH (NOT CHEAP) (does not matter, The tank will cycle with or with out them)
2. Should I have the skimmer on? 1st 3 days filled bout half the cup hasn't done anything since. (Run the skimmer all the time)
3. Should I upgrade any equipment, got really good deals on craiglist over the past 6 months. been very patient just a few more months :)(As long as you got a good skimmer and good flow you should be good)
4. Ammonia spike happened day 3, will I be expecting another one since it seemed kinda early. (The ammonia spike will go away after the cycle is complete. This is normal and you should never have another one.)
5. 5. Should I begin dosing ANYTHING at all. heard it was a waste and also heard it doesnt harm anything? (dose with a good two part, I use Two Little fishes. You will need to do this for as long as you have your tank)
6. should i Add a CUC during cycling? (?)
7. how much livestock for a 72 bowfront?
tentative 7 fish - BLue Hippo(2), Yellow Tang(1), Royal Gramma(1), Lawmower Blenny (1), Percula Clown (2)
looking at about a dozen corals as well and ofcourse a CUC
if this is under what other suggestions for fish would be suitable. (This should be good after the tank is cycled. Make sure you add them one or two at a time over a couple of months. You don't wont to over load the system.)
8. If I do water change for brown algae, how much? (Do a 20% water change once a week untill the tank is fully cycled and then every two weeks. The brown alge will go away in time. nothing to worry about.)
9. I REALLY like the mandarin dragonets, I know I need copepods and i think they are called rotifers, but How much am I going to need to keep them happy if I get one (they should be on your live rock. You can add copepods if you want, but not not needed.)
10. I think this is a dumb question - How often do you dose copepods or do they reproduce on their own. DO you have to keep adding them to sump.
(You do not to add them, they will reproduce)
11. like i said earlier i mixed 1 cup of seachem carbon & 1 cup of seachem phosguard in same reactor (good or bad). it runs from 1030pm to 1030am
(you don't need the carbon. Run the reactor 24/7)
From your pictures, it looks like you should add two to three time more LR. I know it is expensive but will save you money in the long run.
Good luck, and keep us posted.


New Member
thanks for the heads up on ALL my questions. about the LR, should I get now while still cycling or slowly add some over the next few months. I have 70 lbs. right now how much should I actually ahve in there. Why no carbon, heard it makes water CRYSTAL clear. guide me Darth Jennings :)


New Member
From your pictures, it looks less then 70lbs of rock. I would add another 50 to 70 lbs.
It is good to have 1 1/2 to 2 lbs per gallon. You can add it all at one time as long as it is fully cured. I would add it while the tank is cycling. Make sure you check the rock for unwanted pests before you put the rock in your tank.
You can add carbon if you want, and yes it will make the water cristal clear. Some say it will make your fish more likely to get pop-eye or hole in the head. As long as you keep up your water changes, your water will look good without it.


New Member
Do you mean no damsels during cycling or no damsels at all. The only one I was looking at was the Javanese Damsel. BY far (in my opinion) the coolest looking damsel. Will try to get LR ASAP especially during cycling. Changed media in phosreactor to just seachem phosguard and holding off on the carbon. got a tentative schedule for EVERYTHING in the following spreadsheet. Let me know more info on your vast knowledge. Also let me know about damsel, no during cycling or no at all. thanks again for info.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jenningsxxx
7. how much livestock for a 72 bowfront?
tentative 7 fish - BLue Hippo(2), Yellow Tang(1), Royal Gramma(1), Lawmower Blenny (1), Percula Clown (2)
looking at about a dozen corals as well and ofcourse a CUC
if this is under what other suggestions for fish would be suitable. (This should be good after the tank is cycled. Make sure you add them one or two at a time over a couple of months. You don't wont to over load the system.)
You absolutely should NOT try to keep 3 tangs in a 72. A single yellow tang would be pushing it as they are very active swimmers. A Hippo will definitely get too big pretty quickly.


New Member
Originally Posted by lbell6
Do you mean no damsels during cycling or no damsels at all. The only one I was looking at was the Javanese Damsel. BY far (in my opinion) the coolest looking damsel. Will try to get LR ASAP especially during cycling. Changed media in phosreactor to just seachem phosguard and holding off on the carbon. got a tentative schedule for EVERYTHING in the following spreadsheet. Let me know more info on your vast knowledge. Also let me know about damsel, no during cycling or no at all. thanks again for info.
Damsels should be left in the wild. Most LFS's sell Damsels to people cycling tanks. The problem is when they get large, after about a year, they will get mean and will torment all the other fish. Once you add all your live rock and coral it is nearly imposible to catch them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lbell6
Do you mean no damsels during cycling or no damsels at all. The only one I was looking at was the Javanese Damsel. BY far (in my opinion) the coolest looking damsel. Will try to get LR ASAP especially during cycling. Changed media in phosreactor to just seachem phosguard and holding off on the carbon. got a tentative schedule for EVERYTHING in the following spreadsheet. Let me know more info on your vast knowledge. Also let me know about damsel, no during cycling or no at all. thanks again for info.
I'm curious why you feel a need to dose w/ kalkwasser, Mg, Sr, etc. Do you have an indication that you need to? Your water changes should replenish what your tank needs. If they don't, I'd favor doing more frequent water changes over dosing, personally. In addition, you don't indicate that you have test kits for those elements. General rule of thumb is: Don't dose anything you can't test for - because A) you don't know you need it, and B) if
you do, you can't tell when you've added enough.
Also, what's the Algone for?
Wait til it's cycled to add the CUC. The other thing is, w/ cured rock, if you add it during the cycle, you risk killing what's on it. If you add uncured rock, you will extend or start your cycle over.
(I would also raise salinity to 1.025. 023 is a little low for inverts.)
Not meaning to come off as harsh - just asking some questions. It's a very nice tank! Bowfronts are my favorite.


New Member
I was under the impression that you dose to get trace elements on a constant level. If a water change once a week does this then I wont dose. I heard Kalkwasser helps keep calcium level at a constant as well. I would drip duringthe night as a top off for the next day. Please let me know if this is wrong. Also readings are as follows.
ph - 8.4
ammonia - 0.2
nitrites - 0.0
nitrates - 0.0
phosphates - 0.0
temp - 78deg
salinity - 1.024
kH - 7
Ca - have not measured calcium yet.
ammonia seems a little high would like it at 0. think I need to do another water change to drop ammonia?
kh seems a little low would like it round 10. it has only been 14 days since I started cycle. does this seem right. Also I know to do a 20% water change after cycle. but expecting 50#'s of LR on tues 9-1-09. after I add LR (they say its cured) what should I expect. another complete cycle, or a slight ammonia spike. Please let me know. Not adding anything until water is perfect. Any suggestions are welcome and appreciated. please continue to guide me through this wonderful hobby. thanks ahead of time.