Is this too much stock for a 120g


Active Member
all fish about 2"
hippo tang
hawaiian spotted toby puffer
Foxface Lo
Flame Hawkfish
Niger trigger
and finally some sort of aggressive wrasse such as a lunare, banana or coris slightly smaller than the above fish once those fish get a little bigger and established (so far down the line who knows if and which one I'd want).
Also is that a good order to add these fish in. I have to add the hippo first since I already had it for a while now.
I should mention this is going to be an aggressive/semi aggressive reef attempt. as in fish I know will eat shrimp, crabs and snails but hopefully will leave at least select corals alone based on trial and error. I considered a 125g for the 6' length but lighting it would throw off my budget and there is only one place in my house it can go (where as the 120 can go where my 30g if the wife doesn't like it when she comes home from work and see's the tank she knows nothing about in the dinning room). would it be better to try some sort of angel than the wrasse ( the wrasses I like dont eat corals at all but angels may or may not. on the other hand I hear most of the wrasses I am considering can be down right nasty with other fish)?