Is this too much to add at one time?


New Member
My GF set up our 55 gallon tank around October, and we've been putting LR in ever since so we have around 75 LBS of LR...We have a pretty awesome light...Not sure what kind it is....But the they guy who sold it to her said she would be able to keep anything she wanted....anyway...
She ordered 4 small red shrooms and a small groupof she going a little over board with coral at one time?


Active Member
especially not in a 55.
but i would re-eval what kind of light you have.
find out what it is and post it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Brandino83
My GF set up our 55 gallon tank around October, and we've been putting LR in ever since so we have around 75 LBS of LR...We have a pretty awesome light...Not sure what kind it is....But the they guy who sold it to her said she would be able to keep anything she wanted....anyway...
She ordered 4 small red shrooms and a small groupof she going a little over board with coral at one time?
No that sounds like it should be ok. They arent that demanding as far as bioload, and they are both good choices for PC lighting. We could help you find other suitable corals if you looked on your lights and told us what kinds they were. Look for the keywords, power compact, T5-HO, VHO, or metal halide.


New Member
She has (4) 54 watt t5 lights retro fitted, with individual reflectors.
We don't have any fish yet...just hermits....we jumped in to soon at the beginning and got a clown and it died due to an ammonia spike so she's holding off on getting a fish till she's 100% sure.


Active Member
3.9 wpg
softies with no problem. (zoos, shrooms, palys, etc)
maybe a bta, but that would take some work.
tank might be too tall, though.
just get some good powerheads and keep that water moving