Is this true about snails


Do all have problems turning them selfs over? I was told at my LFS that all snails, not just astreas, are not able to turn over if they fall on their back.
I saw a Red Foot Moon Algae Snail and they told me that if it flips over, that it can die if not helped. Oh well tell me what you all think about what I was told and tell me what the truth is.
Also anyone have any info on those Red Foot Moon Algae Snails?


i have had turbo snails and they die form not getting turned over and did your astrea snails die because i was going to get some but if they die like that i will just try another type.


None of my snails have I died. I help them really often, I feel like their guardian <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


Active Member
for algae, the trochus snails can re upright themselves, turbos cannot
and detritus, nassarius can, but many snails cannot, and will basically drown, if they do not get upright, this is why, for algae, i get the trochus, even though they are a bit more expensive, they do have the ability to counter this problem thus most last longer


Active Member
I think that the trachus are also more efficient cleaners than all other snails.


strombus and theres a few other types that can right themselves up. They also reproduce in your tank and having 100's makes them good cleaners. They usually hide in the day also and come out at night