Is This True Or Not!


Active Member
my friend was saying the way to find out if they really are breeding get a damsel and see what they do to it then u will now should i or is that to cruel? i now i asked to many ? about this pair but im just wondering.


Active Member
I have a breeding pair with 4 other fish. It is true that they will defend their nesting site with alot more energy when they have eggs though.
I wouldn't do the damsel thing, just because you'll have to catch it later when it starts harrassing the other fish.


Active Member
Yes, I just went through one batch of eggs just yesturday. I think I might give this raising thing a shot someday so I'm running down to the home improvment store to pick up a clay pot. The eggs that my clowns lay are quickly eaten by scavengers in my tank so I'll have to remove them quickly.


Active Member
They showed nesting behavior for about 3 months before I saw the first eggs. Even when not laying they go through all the motions of preparing a nest by clearing spots on the ground. I thought in the beginning that they were clearing the spot on the ground because there was no anemone to host them, but they still continue to clear a spot even with a anemone present.


Active Member
Originally Posted by clown123
my male is helping her now
Yes, they will both help make thier home. Have they cleared all the way to the glass yet?


Originally Posted by clown123
my friend was saying the way to find out if they really are breeding get a damsel and see what they do to it then u will now should i or is that to cruel? i now i asked to many ? about this pair but im just wondering.

I dont understand what your asking!


i asked if i can take a damsel and put it in my breeding pair tank and see if they attack it then i would now if they were breeding.


Active Member
My pair do not attack any other fish in the tank. The female will push other fish out of the area but not nip fins. A damsel will probably cause extra stress to the situation and then be a pain in the rear to remove.