Hell yeahhhhhhhhh. I finally caught the trigger and it's out of the tank for good. I'll never in my life take the chance or listen to the stupid LFS and attempt to put a trigger in a reef tank w/ calmer fish.
Anyways, I came home early morning from a night shift at work. It was in the middle of a small hole in a rock w/ it's hook. I slowly removed the rock out of the tank and tried to get the trigger out but it wouldn't come out. I spent the next half hour trying to get the
out and it was so frustrating. It just wouldn't let it's hook loose and come out, I tried to shake the rock and it still wouldn't come out. I was forced to break the rock into two pieces by a hammer to get him out. At that point the fish was very stressed and right now it's in a bucket w/ water and i'm waiting for the LFS to open so I can take it back.
Anyways, even if it dies I don't care. It killed 2 shrimps and a yellow tang I had.
Thanks for the tip of cathching it while it's asleep. It really worked
Myself - 1
Trigger - 0