is this whats supposed to happen when cycling?


i had 1 piece of live rock to my tank... my ammonia went to 0.25 and stayed there for 2 weeks. i decided to add 4 more large pieces thinking this would create an ammonia spike......... it didnt.. it stayed at 0.25 for the last week. the total time has been 3 weeks. when should i see a change? there is no trace of nitrates or nitrites.
is this how the cycle happens? and should i expect a jump in ammonia?


Active Member
how old is your test kit, and can your lfs double check it? how big is your tank? depending on how fresh the rock is, and how long it was cured, you may not see a spike, but it should be going down. did you put a piece of shrimp into your tank?


every cycle will be different. but if you arent showing any trites it could be because the bacteria is getting to them before they would register on tests ( a possibily, although not likely) the other is you are lacking the bacteria that converts ammonia to trites. if its been that long and you dont see trites, try finding some bacteria to add. something like TLC or something like that i think i remember seeing something called CYCLE too. if your rock is close to being base rock, you may not have the bacteria needed to convert ammonia to trites. but then again if your rock didnt have enough bacteria to convert ammonia, it probably didnt have enough die off to start a cycle either. depending on what the case may be, you may need something to jump start your cycle.


Originally Posted by renogaw
how old is your test kit, and can your lfs double check it? how big is your tank? depending on how fresh the rock is, and how long it was cured, you may not see a spike, but it should be going down. did you put a piece of shrimp into your tank?
its about a month old.
no i didnt put shrimp in because i was told and i have read that LR alone is enough to start the cycle.
but i am frustrated so im heading down today to get something to help kick it along.
thanks for answering my Q


haha yeah its been there for 3 weeks since i put the first bit of LR in but now its FINALLY jumped up and trates are getting detected yay!


ok just tested again..
ammonia 0
nitrate .50
nitrite 0
would i be correct in saying that i should expect to see trites in the next few tests seeing as ammonia is back to 0?


Originally Posted by larryndana
You may be finished cycling.
really? but i never saw any trace of nitrites
it would be awesome if i have finished
but i'll keep testing just in case


Active Member
well every tank and cycle will be different. If levels stay low, i would go ahead start buying fish. Maybe one or two fish, no more. Always remember to go slow. Just watch your levels.


shall do.
i've got 2 weeks before i can get back down to the lfs anyway so that should be plenty of time