Isopod bit me!!!


Just now I was moveing some rocks around in my tank. I felt something crawling on my hand, I figured it was my cleaner shrimp. When I felt a bite. I pull my and out and there is a isopod stuck to my hand. I pulled it out and the sob drew blood from me. I know these guys are bad news, how do I get rid of them? If there is one there has to be more. I am going to kill the guy in my lfs I am 100% sure it came with the chetto and rubble rock I got for my fuge. Please help!


Active Member
yes some larger / more aggressive pods can bite. one of the reasons you should wear gloves when handling rock, you never know what you can touch. (i do not practive what i preach) get a mandarin if you have enough rock, and / or a 6 line. they should munch those things up.


Originally Posted by TODJ2002
here is one for ya.
YUCK! Could you imagine that in your tank?
That sucks that you go bit! This is why I always where gloves, my husband never does, and he's been stung a million times by our bubble coral.
If you do get something to get rid of them, don't get both a mandarin and a sixline. When they run out of the isopods, the sixline will kill the mandarin over food.