Nasty, it looks like a giant, pale cockroach. That's gotta be one unhappy, if even alive, fish.
I wonder if that bugger just eats what the fish eats.....
I'm fairly stupid, can someone briefly explain how that critter would get into a fish to eat it from the inside out? I take it that it started off as a tiny animal and grew larger inside the fish? also, what kind of fish is that? it really does look like it has people teeth.
looks like a grazer of some kind. but yeah they would go in small and grow up I do have a problem think this fish was still alive though and for the isopod to be where its at it would seem to me that it would block the fish from eating or breathing right.
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I believe the isopod just eats the fishes tounge and then steals its food. I didn't think it continued to eat its host. I could be wrong though.
home run!