Issue with Emerald Crab


New Member
My Emerabld Crab has white pits on it. I don't know what is causing it. Could anyone provide information?


Active Member
just a guess... it could possible be from where it had coralline algae growing on it, and then the coralline died. are they actually pits, or just marks?


New Member
Calcium: 380
Mag: 1300
kH: 10
I have always had troubles getting Calcium above 400. I have a calcium reactor but before that I have used Turbo Calcium. After dosing Turbo Calcium the levels still never got above 400.


Active Member
what's your pH at? (might be why you can't raise it) and what do you use for buffering calcium?
its an expensive test, but you could always test iodine as well. it could just be your emerald is a tad different.