Originally Posted by
Flower http:///t/397568/its-easter-got-a-question#post_3543793
A Christian yes, but still quite Jewish...MODERN day and age Christian, no...Jews for Jesus folks still think Jesus is a god...or equal with god, or some kind of demi-god like Hercules. They use Judaism to compel Jews to come join them....it's a scam to convert Jews to Modern Christianity.
I happen to believe the accounts given. To believe Yeshua is messiah, is no different then the folks who think Hezekiah was, or maybe Bar-Kokhba. We Jews believe in the prophecies given from Isaiah and Ezekiel. I do not believe Yeshua is a god, nor part god...There is only One God, and he doesn't share his glory with any other god. Isaiah 42:8.... He alone created all things, and without him was not anything created.
A person is free to form any opinion they wish concerning who they believe messiah to be...the only thing is to remember that there is only ONE GOD. I am not talking about Jesus the demi-god, that Christians have created him to be. However the REAL man was a good rabbi, and I do believe God raised him from the dead and took him. Just like he raised others from the dead, Enoch and Elijah were both taken into the heavens. I believe those accounts as well. I believe the writings of the prophets, sadly I have found few Jews who even bother to read them. Aside from the Haftarah portion, the books are largely never read at all...just those sections.
The reason I have formed the opinion that I have is based on the prophecy of the nations coming to know God, and his name one. The two sticks representing Judah and Ephraim being reunited.... I believe he ushered that era in, but the fulfillment of the prophecy wasn't instant...time has passed to bring all of the prophecies into fruition...including the ones about the people following falsehood. Lots of things are still shaping up, Yeshua started a motion into action...we can look at history and see things take shape. If it keeps going the way it seems to be shaping up to go, I think he will be Messiah promised when he returns. He promised to return, like I said, I believe the account.
I happen to be convinced the guy was genuine. For example: When he was asked what was the most important commandment...his answer was...hear O Israel, the Lord your God, the Lord is ONE. Mark 12:29...it's the shema we recite every morning and evening to remind us to never forget...there is ONLY ONE GOD. His response in that passage by the way was taught to him by another rabbi, he didn't pen the saying, it may have been Gamaliel but I'm not sure. There is but one God, and to love your neighbor as yourself hinges all the law and the prophets. It's taught to every little kid learning about the law...the first 4 commandments deal with man's relationship with God, and the last 6 deal with how people should behave toward each other.
Note: This discussion does not concern those who don't believe...Snake, and Pez (at least you tried to be nice). There nothing in my opinion, more stupid then a person who has no faith, you have nothing to bring to the table...go away. Those of us who happen to believe the account given can examine the books all we want, and we should not have to put up with folks calling us stupid for doing so. Now go dissect a monkey bone finger or something, and call it your genetic grandpa. Go argue that stupidity among yourselves... I promise to not bother to comment.
You might check out Strauss. He wrote a (honestly pretty terrible) book about the life of Jesus Christ and it was called..."The Life of Jesus Christ." He attempted to apply critical history to the Bible. Naturally, he didn't do too well because there are inconsistencies (not a problem unique to the bible, but to almost every history book). Sure, there are consistencies as well, but I am proposing that it doesn't matter because that isn't what is important. If I remember right, he says at one point that Jesus is the idea of good personified. Isn't that beautiful? I believe that history concerns everybody and as I am currently studying the history of Christianity and happen to know more than a little about it, I thought I would chime in on a friendly discussion. I guess I'm the fool for thinking my opinion would be respected and I would be met with neighborly love. As Gandhi would say, I like your Christianity...