it about the time again for MM


well im getting the urge for another Monster Morays post
but i need judges since i have my morays now i dont want any Biast judgment


Active Member
I'd post some pics of my Dragon and Whitemouth but I've posted so many, I'm sure people are tired of looking at them.

30-xtra high

Active Member
actually, i love new pics.. they are truly amazing eels, but i think it'd be hard for any judge not to give your hawaiian 1st place..


Active Member
just cuz hes kinda on the small side....
i bet my eel is one of the larger specimens on here Aw must be close as well as unleashed's tessi.. you do realize he is in a 300 gallon right?
hes 28 inches and thicker than a baseball bat, but i guess the picture can make him look small :notsure: but id ont thihnk there is anythign small about him if you saw him in person