It wont perk up!


New Member
I've had this soft coral for about 2 weeks now. I'm not sure what its called because the lfs miss-named it. It has white flesh, and towards the end it turns a lilacish purple. Its recently started to slump down, and does not seem to want to perk up.
I have it out of the current, but even then, im not sure weather or not it should or should not be in it. I feed it 2x a week, and there is plenty of lighting. Can anyone help?
Best quality I can get, sorry.


Active Member
looks like a colt coral. a type of leather.
do you keep any other corals? what are your water params?
leathers tend to look unhappy for the first week or so they are dropped in a tank.


New Member
I keep some zoos in there, and an orange sponge, but other than that, nothing. Param's are fine I check them almost daily. Just starting to put coral in the tank.


Active Member
please list your water params from recent tests.
what lighting do you use? how old are the bulbs?


New Member
i have the same type of colt coral and have it about a month now. i had it at the far end of the tank out of the current and it was slumping some too. I moved it closer to the lights and more directly into the current and it perked up the next day. Im no expert by any qualification but mine is doing well. No pics as i am at work.


my colt coral did the same thing,but it never came out of it. I have no idea what happened to it i have frogspawn, hammer,toadstool leather,and numerous zoas and mushrooms and they were all fine. my water tested perfect, so i dont know what happened to it.


Active Member
leathers will need moderate flow to help them "shed" and grow.
i have also heard that colts are notorious for growing rather large and then melting overnight.


New Member
I moved it to a decent spot with some moderate current closer to the light, Its color has already brightened up. Not sure on the lighting, cant check it, but i know its the proper reef type light for my tank. Oh, and Ive had the bulb's for about 9-10 months now. If I have time, ill check and post param's tonight.


Originally Posted by n8ball2013
that looks more like a kenya tree to me than a colt
Kenya Tree. Mine gets angry alot too. I had a hard time finding the right spot. It likes lots of light and high flow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Paradigm
I moved it to a decent spot with some moderate current closer to the light, Its color has already brightened up. Not sure on the lighting, cant check it, but i know its the proper reef type light for my tank. Oh, and Ive had the bulb's for about 9-10 months now. If I have time, ill check and post param's tonight.
what light do u hv? pc or regular flourecent? kenya likes medium light and flow.


New Member
Pc lights I belive, they are brighter than regualr, and way more expensive.
I looked up pic's of kenya and colt, I cant decide which one it is, they are both realllllly similar to it.
Its kinda moody right now though, one hour it will be streching in all directions, or up, and the next it will slump down. But it definitely looks much better.