Itch - doomed


New Member
After reading many posts about itch I know I'm doomed.
I just lost 2 small Hyppo the today. Interestingly enough my Large hyppo, yellow tang and 3 damsels have not caught the disease ( these guys have been in the tank since February).
It was like an bomb, these fish were introduced to my tank last Thursday and are gone by this morning. Found a few spots by Saturday and I started the Greenex treatment, to no avail (yes, I saw comments on this board about this product, just read them yesterday, too late). By Monday the little Tangs were covered in white spots. And today are gone.
The Large Hyppo and the Tang did have some itch spots about a mont ago. But the spots dissapeared.
I also lost 3 clowns since Monday. Also introduced last thursday.
After reading more on the diseases of the Clowns I think what killed then was the Brooklynella (just read it last night). Since a previous clown died of this last week, the next day after I introduced the 3 new ones. I whish I had just read your posts las week before buying the 3 clowns.
Water parameters are fine. Unfortunatelly at this time QT tank is out of the budget and space.
I do have inverts: 1 hermit crab, 4 horseshoe crabs, 1 cleaner shrimp ( moved in last week), 2 pink anomonae, 1 peppermint shrimp, 3 sandollars, a a few snails. All are doing fine, surviving fish are eating fine.
The question is:
What do I do now?
Wait for 6- 8 weeks after the last fish dies?


New Member
Thanks for the guidedance. I started this hobby with my brothers' unused tank In January and had not heard of a QT tank until I read the posts here tuesday night. I should have bought a book, any suggestions?
Interestingly enough noe of my veteran fish is affected and they are behaving normally.
How do I do the garlic soaked foods? I'll check for a post about this.
I'll probably buy a 20 gal tank with integrated systems to move the fish to for the treatment.
Thanks for your help. i wishs I had known earlier.


Staff member
Do you have Live rock and inverts? If not, it may be best to leave your fish where they are at and do the hyposalinity treatment in your display tank. As Terry said, strudy rubbermaid containers can house your LR. Just be sure to use PH's in the containers if you go that route.
To set up a quarantine, take a look at the FAQ thread.


New Member
I do have inverts and live rock. So a QT tank for the survivors seems the way to go.
I'm still surprised that my veterans ( 1 yellow tang, 1 blue Hippo, 3 damzels) are doing fine. Could it be that they became inmunized?
I'll start the set up of the QT tank this weekend and go from there. Is a nano tank a solution?
How long shall I wait to expect that the disease has died out in the display tank? I have a UV light fliter, does this help against the itch and broklinallia? Since my Clowns are gone will the disease die out?
I guess a few water changes would help remove it.
Again thanks for your help


Staff member
The treatment for ich is detailed in the FAQ section stickied above.
What size nano? You need to have a tank big enough to accommodate your fish for a month.


Staff member
You should only intro 1 fish at a time, unless it is a matched pair or school.
Also, the larger the tank, the better the stability. Get whatever you can afford. I have a 20L, myself, it does pretty well.