Itching for some new fish *Sigh*


jackie dh

I lost most of my large fish on the 1st, it was sudden and tragic. :( The survivers are being shy but they are healty, I guess it feels weird for them to be in that huge tank all by themselves??? The tank had been up for between 6 and 7 years with a problem only once before and it was no were near as bad as this time.
The water is now crystal clear, I've done 100 gallons of water changes since the crash and added a skimmer that is rated for a 300 gallon tank. My cleaning crew are making a pretty big dent in the algae problem on the rocks and I'm about to bust wanting to add a few fish back into the tank. It looks so empty..... I will test the water a few times more to make sure all is well before I even think about it, but I want to at least get a few fish soon. Am I jumping the gun? How long would you wait if every thing was back to normal conditions and how many would you add?
It's a 120, with live rock, a wet dry filter, a canister filter and the monster skimmer with a 15 gallon fuge in the stand. The survivors are three large Pajama cardinals and a pair of 3" maroon clowns, serpant star and my cleaning crew. SWF has Powder blue tangs on sale and I'm really wanting to get one, I know its a poor choice for starting out again but if every thing is back to normal why not? Well other than the fear of losing it which I would have with any fish that I get after what happened. :( If there is even a hint of any thing being off when the Tang comes in it could go in another tank but I would rather put it straight into the 120. I plan on getting a couple of small butterflys and a blue head wrasse at the same time. Thats not too much to add at once is it? I wouldn't have hesitated in the past but I'm rather nervous with my fish these days. :/

noah's nemo

If it was me(and,yes i've been there),i would hold off on adding anything till i knew for sure what happen in my DT...You can't test for diseases ,the remaining fish could still be carrying something.Its good that you did all those WC's,but you still don't know what went wrong.Plus,i would definatly start to QT everything,JMO,take it or leave it,but i would'nt chance any new fish at this point.

jackie dh

I'm quite certain that it wasn't a disease, nothing kills that quickly that I know of. I just tested the water, the Ammonia is .2 ppm, Nitrates at 15 ppm and the Nitrites are 0. Not perfect but livable.
I'll hold off for a while longer, I want to order from SWF but then I don't need to add several fish at a time either. I'm rather broke right now any way after all the extra stuff that I've had to buy to get things back to normal, plus I had just ordered from SWF about a month ago, hermits, snails, shrimp and one lone fish that was nearly dead when I opened the box, and yes it did die and no it wasn't in the tank that crashed, it was in another tank. It's tough trying to start over again on a tight budget. :(