It's a Sad Day For the Blue Hippo Tang


Hey all, Just wanted to report my second fish related death.
(big sigh).....It seems that my tang contracted some type of disease a few days ago. At first I thought it was Ich, but it didnt really look like that to me. I've seen ich in my freshwater fish years ago. It almost looked like she had some type of fuzzy white mold on her. Her behavior was fine, swimming, eating, etc...Then this morning, While I was at work, my wife called and informed me that the tang wasnt doing well. That she was lying on her side ( I know these fish act weird, but it's normal for them) and the other fish were really picking on her. So I told her to take her out, and place her in a small "convalescent" home I had bought just in case.
By the time I got home, she was dead; along with one Domino Damsel. My other Domino Damsel has gone AWOL. I cant find him anywhere. At any rate, I learned my lesson the hard way, so two days ago, I had set up a QT for all future specimens. it just hurts me because I couldnt do anything to save her.


Sorry to hear that Pete! I hear that every beginner loses a few. Call this a learning experience eh?
Well, at least you have a QT now for all your future fishes and in case any of your other ones get sick!
My brother bought me a longnose butterfly yesterday and he did not want to put it in QT, he just wanted to put it straight into my display tank, but I insisted, and good thing I did. Because now he has ick. So we are starting hypo. I would have been so upset if my clowns and my firefish got infected and I would have had to QT them all in a little 10 gal tank!
Anyway, my point is, my brother and my husband thought that I was just going overboard with this whole QT thing, and now they know why I did it!
Well, sorry once again Pete!


Thanks for your condolences. Leenie: when you mention Hypo, do you lower the SG in your QT slowly over a period of hours or days, Or is your QT always at a lower SG? I know there's a procedure for this in the Disease forum, I just dont have the time to read it Now.


Lower it over a period of time- I'd say over the period of a day or two until it reaches 1.009. Then let it stay there for 3 weeks, if all ick or disease goes away then raise the salinity gradually to the same as your display tank. Watch the fish for another week, and if all is well, acclimate them to your display water and then put them in.