It's been awhile


Hey all, It's been awile since I've been on the site, new job keeping me busy! I just wanted to let you guys know I scored a false perc that's roughly 10 years old from a local fish store that closed due to pressure from the new ***** in town. (I love corporate America!!!) Anyhow, I paid $40 for this thing which I know is high but I've been seeing this fish for the past few years in the store's reef tank and I just had to have him (or her). I was nervous about adding a larger perc to my tank since my smaller one is a butt hole sometimes. As soon as I put the new perc in the tank the smaller one started the "shaking" ritual so that helped ease my worries. Anyhow, long story short, it has been almost 4 weeks now and everybody is getting along wonderfully. Oh, and I know this is off the topic but I've also had to buy my own RO unit since my LFS went out of business and I can say that this is one of the better investments I've made in this hobby. It's soooooo nice to have water on demand. :happy: