It's funny how different things are when youve been a hobbiest for a while.



First tank...
You buy polyps, zoas, xenia, just because you can keep it.
Fish... if ONE person says their parrot-fish didn't eat coral, you "chance it"
But after you've had an established tank and are starting a new one, it takes months to find the first perfect coral.
You wanna make absolutely sure the fish are all 100% compatible, and quarantined. Quarantine the corals, iodine dip, flatworm dip, freshwater dip, quarantine the LR, you don't want aiptasia!
I am restarting my tank from almost nothing, and I can't buy my first fish cause I keep changing my mind. I have a pair of ocellaris, cause what tank should be without those, but I can't bring myself to decide on anything! LOL


Active Member
Well, at least you are past the learning curve and can take the time to make the new tank just right, with exactly what you want to put in it! I won't be doing a new tank anytime soon, but I sure would change the way I did it based on what I have learned with my first one.


OH, I'm taking my time all right. It's still bare! I mean it's fairly new, but I don't even have prospects. I love this hobby.
I still can't decide which fish to settle on though. I only want 6, so I hafta choose carefully...hmmm...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
First tank...
You buy polyps, zoas, xenia, just because you can keep it.
Fish... if ONE person says their parrot-fish didn't eat coral, you "chance it"
But after you've had an established tank and are starting a new one, it takes months to find the first perfect coral.
You wanna make absolutely sure the fish are all 100% compatible, and quarantined. Quarantine the corals, iodine dip, flatworm dip, freshwater dip, quarantine the LR, you don't want aiptasia!
I am restarting my tank from almost nothing, and I can't buy my first fish cause I keep changing my mind. I have a pair of ocellaris, cause what tank should be without those, but I can't bring myself to decide on anything! LOL
agree 100%
i'm very careful, when i get my new tank 200+ i'll qt each coral and fish for like 2 months minimum, no joke


Cause now you KNOW about redbugs, aiptasia, flatworms etc...
It's almosty to stressful!!

awe geez, and pyramid snails. Even the SNAILS get qt'ed!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
OH, I'm taking my time all right. It's still bare! I mean it's fairly new, but I don't even have prospects. I love this hobby.
I still can't decide which fish to settle on though. I only want 6, so I hafta choose carefully...hmmm...
I agree, I have only been into SW for a year, and since christmas I have had a complete new 36gal bow front set up. Its empty still nothing done with it, I am so undecided on things I am taking my sweet time. But I do have my cube tank to enjoy while I work things over. I only plan on 3 fish for the new tank so my choices are... well only one so far, a black and white saddle back clown. But thats it... I got nothing else planned. LOL.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
I agree, I have only been into SW for a year, and since christmas I have had a complete new 36gal bow front set up. Its empty still nothing done with it, I am so undecided on things I am taking my sweet time. But I do have my cube tank to enjoy while I work things over. I only plan on 3 fish for the new tank so my choices are... well only one so far, a black and white saddle back clown. But thats it... I got nothing else planned. LOL.
Funny, how every tank needs the clown huh?
Lucky for them they have high tolerance levels, since they are so darned cute and we all ant them.
No benefit at all, just cute!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Funny, how every tank needs the clown huh?
Lucky for them they have high tolerance levels, since they are so darned cute and we all ant them.
No benefit at all, just cute!
Yep, I have had many in the short time I have been doing this, although I do like the standard ocellaris and true perc, no other ones have grabbed my attention like the saddlebacks have. I dont know why, maybe a maroon would, I havent had one of those.

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Yep, I have had many in the short time I have been doing this, although I do like the standard ocellaris and true perc, no other ones have grabbed my attention like the saddlebacks have. I dont know why, maybe a maroon would, I havent had one of those.
maroons are cool, but they do get big and agressive (comparitively speaking). Question on the saddlebacks, I heard they were only black when kept with the carpet anomonie ~ true or not?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
maroons are cool, but they do get big and agressive (comparitively speaking). Question on the saddlebacks, I heard they were only black when kept with the carpet anomonie ~ true or not?

Two things happen every time I put my hand in my tank: 1) The cleaner shrimp comes over and starts nibbling on my hand and 2) One or both of my maroon clowns attack my hand. It's a good thing I'm bigger than them!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Question on the saddlebacks, I heard they were only black when kept with the carpet anomonie ~ true or not?

Others, including Dark, are more expert on this than me, but I know I've had a black SB for 7 months now, and he's still black.
I've always thought that the black/brown were color morphs just like black/orange ocels.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
maroons are cool, but they do get big and agressive (comparitively speaking). Question on the saddlebacks, I heard they were only black when kept with the carpet anomonie ~ true or not?

I have never heard of the color changing effect when paired with an anemone.
I have seen many different color morphs with B&W saddlebacks. I have seen small ones with no coloration on their fins or face making them completly B&W and I have seen 3"+ adults look the same. On the flip side I have seen the same configuration with the notable yellow face and fins on both large specimens and small. Which makes me think 2 things, one, there is no set pattern and they are as variable as a true percs colors are, or 2 the s.e.x of the fish may determine if it will turn black and if it wont. As in the wild you can certainly find males that are large and females that are large, or males that are small and so on. Maybe the change in male to female also sparks the change in color...
I cant say for sure and i havent read anything about it, just an observation.

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
I have never heard of the color changing effect when paired with an anemone.
I have seen many different color morphs with B&W saddlebacks. I have seen small ones with no coloration on their fins or face making them completly B&W and I have seen 3"+ adults look the same. On the flip side I have seen the same configuration with the notable yellow face and fins on both large specimens and small. Which makes me think 2 things, one, there is no set pattern and they are as variable as a true percs colors are, or 2 the s.e.x of the fish may determine if it will turn black and if it wont. As in the wild you can certainly find males that are large and females that are large, or males that are small and so on. Maybe the change in male to female also sparks the change in color...
I cant say for sure and i havent read anything about it, just an observation.
Interesting. I've never had the saddlebacks myself, but just helped move a mated pair for a friend with their carpet, and I thought he said that they turned black when the carpet was added, but I could be wrong. Anyway, I was just curious.