It's go time-need the details!


New Member
I have researched and gathered information on the Flame Angle for some time now. I feel like I have gained enough knowldge to successfully have my own. BUT, seeing as I am so careful about adding more fish, I have decided to put a thread out to gather any last info. on these splendid fish before I purchase (which will be this week). I feel like I know everything that I could know without actully owning one, but there is alot to be learned from actual experience, so let me hear it - good or bad!!

mr . salty

Active Member
Good to see that you did your homework before diving in and getting one.But there isn't anything special about a flame that you probably don't already know...The only thing I can think of that you may not have read is that you should have alot of rock...They like to hide and sleep in the caves.GOOD LUCK with your new fish.