I did this not to long ago and here is what I did step by step.
1. shut down the filters and powerheads.
2. Take out corals and place them in a 5gal bucket
3. take out lr and placed it in the container I purchased it in.
4. Take out base rock and set it aside.
5.Chase fish no luck take a brake.
6. finally catch fish and place them in a bucket with the corals
7. Scoop out cc with a net and place in a bucket.
8. Let the tank settle.
9. siphone off ditritus.
10. add live sand
11. add the previously mixed water to make up what was siphoned off.
12. add base rock.
13. add live rock
14. add corals
15. add fish
16. turn on powerheads and filters.
17. siphone off extra water.
Remember some corals can not be introduce to air so to remove them put a small container into the tank and put the coral in it, then place the container back into the bucket and deposit the coral.
I would wait for tomarrow to capture the fish because the shi* heads are so hard to capture.
Also I did not heat the bucket the fish were in I just closely monitored it.
Hope this helps and enjoy it is really an experiance to TRY to capture you fish.