Its Hypo Day


Well today. I have decided to perform Hypo on my Main display, to remove the Ick. Almost all my fish have Ick now, so thought it would be better to do that on the main display, and move the small amount of Live Rock and sand to my QT tank. My main tank is 155g, and alot more stable than moving my fish to a 20g tank, thats still cycling. Not to mention, that they would be a little cramped in there.
I will do this Hypo for 3-4 weeks @ a gravity of 0.009.
However, can I be certain that there will not be anymore Ick in the tank, and that the fish, no matter how stressed they get, will **not** get anymore Ick. Is this correct???? I have heard so many conflicting stories on the topic, its unreal! Especially from my lfs - you would think they would know better - or maybe they do!!! Maybe they like to keep selling more expensive disease treatments, and blaming it on the water quality!!!
Any comments.


Staff member
What is in your sand? If it is just sand with bacteria [and no living creatures like worms, stars, etc.] then you can leave the sand in there. I can't see moving the sand out frankly, and the tank still being livable for fish.
There is not a "certainty" to anything; human doctors will never guarantee anything, so you can bet that the fish "vets" won't either. However, hypo does work if administered properly and for the prescribed timeframe.