IV Drip Line


Active Member
If they start to clog run some vinegar through them.....If you've ever looked at the Kent dosers....basically the same deal and they clog.....


Active Member
nope no problem, thats all i use. my mom works at a hospital so i get tons of them for free. actually, lots of hospital stuff is really handy for tanks.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
If they start to clog run some vinegar through them.....If you've ever looked at the Kent dosers....basically the same deal and they clog.....
Yeah this thing has a check valve, 3 injection ports,drip vial.....i just wanted the roller valve,but i think ill let it stay whole for now.

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Yeah this thing has a check valve, 3 injection ports,drip vial.....i just wanted the roller valve,but i think ill let it stay whole for now.
Does not matter how many ports/valves it has..cheap is good and free is better. It will work fine.
Alix...Your mom should get you an IV pump...then you can really dose exactly what you want!


Active Member
the kent marine comes with a feeding tube drip line that is for medical use. kalk will clog it if it not in a high flow i put mine near my exit tube from my tank in my sump and it doesnt clog. and a good place to put it is near your skimmer if its in your sump because kalk helps a skimmer to remove phosphates.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Al Mc
Alix...Your mom should get you an IV pump...then you can really dose exactly what you want!
asked her about them. she says theyre $5000 apiece & they arent allowed to leave the floor. dang.