ive got a 55 gallon tank... can i buy a 1 inch blue hippo???


It will outgrow thw tank very quickly and become stressed. When a tang is stressed it will get ich like no other.


if i get it at one inch... how long before it would be too big for a 55 gallon.. if its enough time for me to save enough money and be able to buy a bigger tank... i would really like to do it.


Active Member
It would be fine if you were planning on getting a bigger tank later down the road. (I.E. 75+ gallons) I would have to look and see the exact gallon for a hippo.


don't do it , I have a 2 inch blue hippo that i got from someone and i will be trading it in because they stress out so easily and are very prone to ich. I'm afraid to stick it into my 210 display for that reason.


what makes them so hard to care for? why do they get stressed out all the time? if its a quiet community tank... shouldnt they be just fine?


Active Member

Originally posted by agoutihead
what makes them so hard to care for? why do they get stressed out all the time? if its a quiet community tank... shouldnt they be just fine?

They are not hard to care for and do not get stressed if kept in the correct environment. The people that have problems are generally the ones that stick them in a small tank. IMO a 125Gallon would be the minimun size tank to consider.


well right now i have a 55 gallon tank... eventually id like to get a larger one... that is a little bit down the line... i was wondering if i bought a 1 inch hippo how many years before it really outgrew the 55 gallon. thanks!


Active Member
your basic tangs are easier to care for (i.e. yello but there still to big for your tank.)


Im not saying you should but my lfs has one In a 12 nano cude. Its been in there for six months and look great It Is still pretty small though


Active Member
Yellow tangs i say are ok for a 55.Just as long as there arent many other fish inside, But i wouldnt recommend on putting one in. KOle tangs are also ok for a 55 since they dont grow as big as other tangs.