I've heard of that...It's an art project, where people send their secrets to this guy on postcards, and he puts them online. He gets thousands of secrets a week and weeds through them. They did a whole big thing about it on National Public Radio.
Wow. Just when you think the world couldn't get any more messed up, u find out about a whole bunch of stuff thats intensely horrific that will be suffered in silence for years.
I like art. But I don't care for artistic depression. Ugh.
There was "one" good comment...
"...I was very excited because I too had a secret I wanted to post. I thought long and hard about how I wanted to word my secret and I searched for the perfect postcard to display it on. After I had created my postcard I stepped back to admire my handiwork. Instead of feeling relieved that I had finally got my secret out, I felt terrible instead. It was right then that I decided that I didn't want to be the person with that secret any longer. I ripped up my postcard and I decided to start making some changes in my life..."