I've Had it with Rios !!!!!!!


I have had enough of Rio powerheads. I can appreciate the amt. of water they move but who cares when they are so freakin unreliable. :mad: I have been through 2 1700s and 1 800. We absolutely dred having to stop the pump for any reason because we are so afraid that it won't re-start. :eek: We only ever change the water during business hours of the LFS so we can run out and get a new one in case we just can't get it restarted. Anyway, I need a suggestion for a good power head to replace the Rio 1700 in our wet/dry. I was looking at the maxi jets but i'm not sure if they can move enough water to maintain the same amount of filtration. It is a 50g FOWLRLS. I also recently tried a power sweep just for water movement but is stopped rotating after just a few days. Does anyone out there make a reliable powerhead? :rolleyes:


Active Member
A lot of the lfs's here in town that once carried Rio's are now stocking the Cap Aqua Pump / Powerheads.
I think they are made by Catalina Aquarium.
I'm trying a Cap 1800 on my 30 reef instead of the Rio.
I'm sure a lot of folks will reply to your question, there are a many alternatives to choose from.
Sorry to hear your bad luck with the Rio's.

old salt

I'm with you on the Rio sucking thing... I replaced the Rio powerheads in my 90 with Maxijets.. quiet and stable... I just ordered a CSL Velocity T3 to replace the Rio 2500 I have in my sump... Between the noise and the not starting when you turn em off I've been going crazy... But for some reason my LFS (who is usually good) swears by the Rio's and laughs at me when I complain.. says he's never experience any of that and they use a lot... Makes me wonder... I'm hoping the T3 will be a major improvement... at $160 bucks it better be LOL!


wow, sorry to hear about all the troubles...I've had two Rio's running for over a year, and I think it's a 2300 I use for return...I stop it often to feed and for water changes and haven't had any troubles yet. Maybe I'll count myself lucky..anyway, I'm curious to find out what the next best thing is just in case...Dave


New Member
go with the mag drive. ihave a 700 and it works great. i don't even hear it running.


My maxijets are so quiet and great. How the heck do you shut the rio's up, it keeps me up at night and sounds like a freight train. I've tried cleaning the impeller, but the freight train just keeps chuggin down the tracks.
i know im one of VERY few who actually like rios lol, i heard of the problems with re-starting them, and the sound they make n stuff like that, but personlly since i havnt had any problems with mines(knock on wood) i cant complane, personally i like the size and design


Active Member
(Tangman puts down his soapbox and steps up so that all can see and hear)
I've been reading these RIO bashes for quite a while and really have not payed them much attention as my RIO 2500 just works flawlessly.
Came home last night about 9PM and the power had been off ealier. Noticed my tank was awful quite so I went to investigate......
GOD *&^* piece of monkey $%*I*E Son of a *(#_.
My RIO 2500 was not pumping water and making a weird noice. Nothing was open and I did not have a back up. Luckily I remembered someone mentioning that you had to take them apart to get them to restart.
Taking it apart and praying immediately followed after unplugging it of course.
(dropping to knees and raising hands to heaven)
I did order a Mag 7 last week for a backup after reading this post. I hope it gets here Monday or Tuesday so I can get this piece of crap out of my sump!
(Tangman steps down off the soapbox, tucks in under his arm and leaves.)