I've HAD IT with this overflow system, help


I have a CPR 190 sump/protein skimmer/bio filter that I like just fine, but the overflow that goes with it sucks!! If you don't have a pump keeping the vacuum up the overflow practically stops. I've had it a couple of times in the last week do this, thank goodness I was here both times.
What other overflow options could I go with for this. The hose leading from the overflow down into the sump/filter is, I believe 1 1/2 inches in diameter.
Please any suggestions, I'd like to go tomorrow and get something different, more reliable.
I have only had my tank set up for a few weeks now, but I have had no problems what so ever. I am using 2 Marineland Tidepool SOS hang on overflows on my 125 gallon tank (to my 20 gallon sump). I have not had any of the air bubble problems or siphon breaking problems that I have read about with other overflow boxes. I do have a strong return pump (Dolphin DP 900) that does keep things moving. In fact, I never need to re-start the siphon in the overflow, even if I turn off my return pump and then restart it. Very easy but not the cheapest piece of equipment.
I hope this helps.
Good Luck.


i have heard good things about the sos as well. also there is a fellow who works the boards here who makes and sells overflows, i do not have one, but people have posted very positive results with his equipment, and the price seemed very reasonable. Maybe someone who knows his name offhand can direct you to him, captain something or other i think.
I have an Amiracle overflow. I built my sump and started the siphon going. I then shut the system down (unplugged the return pump) because I was leaving for vacation and didn't want to take the chance of something happening.
I returned a week later and found the siphon still primed. I simply plugged in the return pump and every thing has been working great since! I'm very pleased with the Amiracle overflow.


hang on overflows just suck period. IMO anyways. i have one that i made and it works just as good and a lifereef that my friend bought. mine always gets bubbles in it and slows down causeing my refugium to get low. but i think a bigger return pump will fix it. but DRILL IT thats the best.


i have an CPR overflow. There are a few things you can do to make the best of it in the meantime.
Epoxy the the base of the siphon priming port to the overflow. It can get loose and pop off. It happened to me.
Use a very tight fitting airtube to go from your port to the powerhead. If you have to, epoxy it on.
Epoxy the air tube into the powerhead port if it is not really tight. Otherwise it can pop off, loose siphon and you have a swimming pool for a living room.
Use a high GPH powerhead that has a reverse feature. It will enable you to blow gunk out of the siphon port without taking it apart. It tends to get clogged and eventually it looses siphon. Of course you can stick a coathanger in it to disslodge any buildup (only other option).
filter pads on the surface skimming part of the overflow or on the return bulkheads only build up with stuff and change the waterlevels of the tank/sump and change floatvalve values.
This is all i can think of right now, i'll post more if i think of anything.


Sterling.....be CAREFUL using the powerhead to keep the overflow primed. I use this SAME exact setup....99% of the time it works great. What happens though with your powerhead when the power shuts off? Does it come back on every time or not? Sometimes mine doesn't come back on and I have to "kick start" it....stick a skewer into the output and it starts up. I've heard that other powerheads do this too when turned off/on, so I thought I'd let you know. If you're not there when the power goes off and your p-head doesn't come on then you'll lose prime if you've got bubbles.....just something to be very aware of!:)


If your tank is acrylic, you can drill it even though it's already set up. I drilled mine a few weeks ago. Just plain got tired of looking at the black box in the tank. I would sell you my used overflow box, but I don't know the brand. It never lost it's siphon and I alway trusted it. (went on a 10 day vacation with no worries) I've read that a low water flow will let bubbles build up in the siphon tube, so maybe your problem is just that you need a larger return pump.


JMHO but it sounds like your return pump is not large enough.
I use a CPR w/dual u-tubes on my 75 with a 750 GPH return pump. IWFM.

richard rendos

Active Member
You say it practically stops if you don't use a pump to keep the siphon going. Why don't you use a pump to solve the problem? The CPR's are designed to work with a siphon pump like a RIO 600. If you use the pump, you shouldn't have the problem anymore.
jhead...what CPR do you use with U-tubes. They are designed with what they call C-siphon, not U-tubes...do you have a really old one or is it a different brand?
Do you use a check valve between the powerhead and the overflow box? If so make sure it's working properly and if not put one on. Also check to make sure that there are no cracks anywhere in the C-siphon that could allow air to sneak in. Good luck with it.