Originally posted by fishead been using 55 for aggres. w/ a huma, porci and a snowflake.
First off, that tank is WAY too small for those fish. Each of whom easily get over 10 inches long.
got 2 whisper 3s and a skimmer along w/ plenty rock & sand for filtration..
Do you have a sump? Do you run high Nitrates (which will affect the puffer)?
160w of light, half blue half white on 10 hour timer. doing 10 gallon water change w/ DI every 2 weeks but green alge covers everything. cant get rid of it..
WAY too much light! Definilty a partial cause of your algea (the other being what I would guess to be high nitrates and/or organics in the water). The humu probably doesn't mind too much, but both Puffers and SNowflakes are deeper water creatures and are nocturnal (esp the puffer with his HUGE eyes). You want to see them more, cut the wattage in half atleast. I have only 1 Coralife 50/50 bulb over my aggressive tank with my Sharpnose Puffer, Humu, Passer Angel and Lunare Wrasse and just a moonlight over my 40 for my little porcupine and both puffers are out all day long and very active.
feed 2 shrimp or silversides every other day. .
These fish need to be fed a wide variety of meaty foods atleast twice a day to keep them happy and healthy for a long time and keep their aggression low. The trigger also needs to be fed Trigger cubes containing urchin and sponges to supplement for his natural diet.