

Active Member
My Mandarin Dragonnette only eats copepods and amphipods that she finds in the tank. I have never added any fish food to my reef tank. I have had her for a year now and she is as lovely as ever.
At night the tank swarms with copepods, amphipods and mysis shrimps. The Mandarin's food supply is in no jeopardy of depletion.


wow that works out pretty good. i am very curious how you did this. i would love to set up a more self contained system. besides being a lot better for the fish itll save me some trouble. how much LR do you have? did you just breed some copipods, amphipods and mysis shrimp in a cup and pour it in your tank? any help you could give me would be great.


Active Member
I have around 55lbs of LR and 3.5" of Seaflor special grade reef aragonite sand on a 1" plenum. After the tank was cycled I added my corals a few at a time. about 3 months later my tank was swarming with amphipods during the day, I knew then that I had a huge population. A month later got my Mandarin. The live food came with the LR. Easy as pie.