Japanese DME Tankmates?


Active Member
I've been looking at that DME on theat other site for sale for some time now and the tempation keeps growing and growing.
Can this eel be kept in a 75g alone? Is their anything that can be kept with him?
I am thinking about setting this tank up with some cleaner shrimp, damsels and/or chromis and the DME.
Would it work?


Active Member
for being alone they need a 90, w/ tankmates a 125. any of the larger fish i think, cuz a damsel would look pretty temptin


Active Member
By itself, I don't see why it couldn't be kept in a 75gal. Obviously, the larger the better, tho. It's gonna max out around 30" - 34"/36"...depending on if it's male or female (no way to tell).
What I'd do is load the tank with live rock...as much as you can fit/afford...maybe some 3" PVC, buried in the sand and covered with the rock. I put 2.5" PVC in my 90gal and my fat little Hawaiian can't fit into it.
Be prepared to restock the Chromis/Damsels every once in a while and the Cleaner Shrimp may last a while, but not indefinately.


I'd also say that having a large sump/refugium would be very helpful to keep up with his massive piles of $#!^.......haha


Active Member
Would one of the Passive Triggers (if there is such a thing) work? Not sure how they would act with an eel like this in a small space. Thinking Blue Throat, Niger, Sagassium...or something like one of those.
But I'd be SUPER PISSED if a $50 trigger ate the eyes off a $1000 eel.
Just curious, no harm in asking.


Active Member
As with all Triggers, it's gonna vary. I've kept my Dragon with everything from Blue Throats to Queens, to Clowns. I even kept her with an 8" King Passer Angel, which is supposed to be super aggressive, but never had problems.
Make no mistake, tho...it is a very good possibility for Triggers to go directly for the eyes of Moray species...it's instinct, alot of times.



Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
eels wont get eaten by triggers i think, care to comment aw?
Eels can get eaten by triggers some species will rip and tear any other living creature and any other thing they can get there teeth on including heater wires and so on.


For triggers i would stick with the less aggressive ones like a Niger, Blue Throat, Pinktail or a Black Hawain. I have a Niger and Black Hawain with a Goldentail and they don't even bother it.


Active Member
So what (if anything) can be kept in a 75 with a Jap DME?
And I read they are Mod/Diff to keep
. I thought it was an eel and all eels are almost bulletproof, is this not the case?


Active Member
The most I'd keep, in a 75gal, with one would be a small school of fish (Damsels/Chromis) or maybe one other smaller fish.
They're extremely hardy...don't believe the moderate/difficult.


Active Member
Thanks, I think this will be my plan. That should make that 75 a medium/low maint tank as the chromis / damsels eat pellets and the eel is a 1-2 time a week feeder.
Thanks again.


hey AW2x3, did you ever have problems with your passer and the lion I see in the background? What happened to him and why did you get rid of him? I just picked one up and am debating on what else to go in the tank. Thanks


Active Member
The Lion was pushing just over 15", when the Passer was in the tank. None of the other fish really messed with him...ever. lol


do you still have the passer? would love to see some pics of a larger one. All the ones are here that people have had are juvis.