Javanese (Neon Velvet) Damsel...


Active Member
Here is a picture of a juvenile and his reflection in my reef...
Neon Velvet Damsel, Neoglyphidodon oxyodon

Anyone keep this fish? If you have, got a picture of an adult? I read that they turn basically black and mean. :happy:


They get big, turn black and keep just a sliver of their white stripe. Unless the one I saw just hadn't lost his yet...
Pretty fish though...


yep, i had one.. mine never got to become an adult ... pretty fish though


Active Member
Between this guy, a blue devil and a cherub angel, my angel is actually the instigator in the tank! He is the long term resident and the two damsels were added this week. I'm watching to see if things get out of hand.

sinner's girl

If I get any, he's on my list, I saw some last week at *****.


New Member
neon velvet is a very aggressive fish. if you're planning to buy this fish be sure its the last damsel you will put in your tank. i have bad experience keeping this fish with new ones.

darth tang

Active Member
I have one in my aggressive setup. He is 5-6 inches in size. Very mean when I first got him, but he has calmed down since my Panther Grouper put him in his place (Rammed him at full speed). He has all of his coloring still, however the black has faded a bit over time. He still has his neon stripes though and the white one.
He is at full size so no longer a juvenile and kept his coloring for the most part.


Active Member
Hmm, that's interesting! Here's hoping that mine stays purdy and doesn't get too extreme on the aggression!